Back to Feng Shui. When I met Miss Yemma, she was beginning to live clearly, with her health and wellness a top priority; it was natural that she suggested we bring in a Feng Shui expert. Like an interior designer, he taught us where to place lights and furniture to make Yemmaland more beautiful and release old bad habits; like a therapist, he brought consciousness and intention into more awareness. Aside from The Great Levelour Door Painting Mistake which was quickly corrected, our home felt great!
Since then, I have always given a good deal of attention to the Feng Shui of my spaces -- not just my entire home, but each room, and even desks and work spaces. Being aware of where things are placed and spaced, noting how I feel each time I see an object (consciously or unconsciously), colors, textures, elements, and flow are all important.
my now clear desk |
clutter free dresser/night stand |
Old ripped, ill-fitting clothes packed up.
Broken electronics recycled.
Electronics ready for recycling |
Lightbulbs replaced.
Phone calls returned.
Emails written.
Appointments scheduled.
Tickets bought.
Oil replaced.
Batteries charged.
Bad purchases returned.
No bills, no shopping bags, no fuss! |
Yemma would be proud.
***What's next?***
* Lisa Sonora Beam! Join Emily when Heather Arndt's Happy Los Angeles hosts the Creative Entrepreneur author in Los Angeles for Lisa's Crafting the Visual Memoir: Artful Traveler Journals workshop!
One day only: 10:30 am - 5:30 pm, $245. Register before June 30 and receive a 1hr. private coaching session with Lisa about your work (a fantastic $300 value!). Many supplies included. Register here.
And/or you can also catch Lisa in the San Francisco area the following weekend, July 14.
*Gather & Giggle with us! Sunday, July 15 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Larchmont, NY! Email us for more information. Or go register with Meetup to register and keep in the loop!
I was living with my dear friend and Tribeca roommate, called Miss Yemma. With our 5 Abyssinian kittens, we lived in Yemmaland. (Yemma was our word for love, kats, hello, goodbye, ouch, yahoo, you name it.) Yemmaland? That's another post. feng shui master