Saturday, July 7, 2012

Come Away With Me

"Come Away with Me", Nora Jones' enchanting ballad that was popular around 2002, was my man and my wedding song. It's what we did, who we are; how we wrap up in our own world.

We're back in time this past week, back in Los Angeles, staying in our now rentable house, filling countless holes, priming over the darkest purple, green and reds, staining doors, climbing ladders, bumping knees, choosing tile and boards, wiping away cobwebs, writing checks to clean up the mess.
the former koi pond

But we're also going down memory lane... remembering when we first married, when we bought our tear-down house that beyond all reason, we fell trulymadlydeeply in love with. We're remembering when we got our enormous abby-normal Anatolian Shepard Stella Blue, and neighbors we loved, and glimpsing our son and his first 4 years on earth. It's heart wrenching, surprising, melancholic, funny.

We've also been visited by the usual gang -- birds, barking coyotes, hopping deer, and now even screech owls have joined up. We are a motley crew:  dusty, dirty, stinky, and happy. Come away with me, we sang. This was our world.
our son's little deck chair
best place in the world to take a nap


***What's next?***

Time to Gather & Giggle! Come to Larchmont Sunday, July 15 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. for our monthly crafting date, $10 at the door.
RSVP at:

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